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Meadows Primary School


This Homework Statement is to provide guidance to teachers, children and parents regarding the amount and regularity of homework at The Meadows Primary School. It will also aim to provide clarity about what the expectations are for each type of homework that is being set.


The research around the benefits of homework for primary age children is that it has a limited impact on the overall progress of children. In some areas of the curriculum, such as maths, where some methods of calculation are very different to those used previously, it can have a detrimental effect on a child’s understanding. However, there are certain types of homework, particularly the practice of basic skills that children have learnt in school, that will have a positive impact on your child’s learning. Therefore, we set homework that we think will make a difference to our children.

Early Years (Reception) & Key Stage 1


• Bedtime Story picture books (EYFS)

• Sharing/reading ebooks/physical books from the school reading scheme

• Weekly Phonics sheet


• White Rose ‘1-Minute Maths’ app (https://whiterosemaths.com/1-minutemaths#download) (KS1 and EYFS where appropriate)

Other Subjects

• At various times throughout the school year, your child may be set an optional ‘miniproject’. This would be specific and practical and will allow children to showcase their understanding or area of interest within the topic.

Key Stage 2


• Sharing/reading levelled books/ebooks from the school reading scheme and free readers once the child has completed the scheme.

• Reading diary to be signed by a parent/carer.

• Reading should happen at least 3 times per week.


• Spelling information (but not word lists) on spelling patterns to be learnt.


• Times Tables Rock Stars at least 3 times a week

Century Tech

• This could be either Maths or English work.

• Children may be set diagnostic tests and/or ‘nuggets’ to help them develop specific areas.

• Artificial Intelligence will create an automated ‘pathway’ for children to follow to continue to reinforce and also build their knowledge.

Other Subjects

• At various times throughout the school year, your child may be set an optional ‘miniproject’. This would be specific and practical and will allow children to showcase their understanding or area of interest within the topic.

Educational Websites

Below are a range of useful websites that children may use to further their education: